Latest Press Releases
Resolutions at the annual general meeting in Evolution AB (publ)

At the annual general meeting in Evolution AB (publ) on 8 April 2022, income statements and balance sheets for 2021 for the company and the group were adopted and it was resolved on, among other things, a dividend of EUR 1.42 per share, discharge from liability for the board members and the managing director, re-election of the board members and the chairman of the board, amendment to the articles of association, authorisation for acquisition and transfer of own shares, authorisation for the board of directors to issue shares, warrants and convertible debt as well as authorisation for the board of directors to re-purchase warrants.

Evolution Annual Report 2021

The 2021 annual report of Evolution has today been published on the group’s website.

Acquisitions of own shares in Evolution AB (publ)

Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 14 February 2022 – 18 February 2022, acquired a total of 377,000 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value. The repurchase program, announced 3 December 2021, is thereby completed and closed.

Acquisitions of own shares in Evolution AB (publ)

Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 9 February 2022 – 11 February 2022, acquired a total of 370,000 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.

Acquisitions of own shares in Evolution AB (publ)

Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 29 December 2021 – 30 December 2021, acquired a total of 57,500 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.

Acquisitions of own shares in Evolution AB (publ)

Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 20 December 2021 – 23 December 2021, acquired a total of 63,500 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.

Acquisitions of own shares in Evolution AB (publ)

Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, during the period 13 December 2021 – 17 December 2021, acquired a total of 571,045 own shares within the framework of the repurchase programme introduced by the board of directors to improve the capital structure of Evolution by reducing the capital, and thereby creating added shareholder value.

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